i am really happy tonight. after years of supporting our husbands at rec. basketball games, my girlfriends and i officially signed up for a city volleyball league! it is our husbands' turn to come and watch us play :).
i've struggled the last couple of years with having a consistent group of girl friends to hang out with. in high school, our friends were so close and i am incredibly thankful for our friendships that continue today, but everyone is spread out accross the country. in college i was blessed to constantly be surrounded by great girls, as living together breeds deep relationships, but most of the girls don't live close and the ones that do are at different stages of life.
after getting married (and having a kid), i've struggled with finding
my group. don't get me wrong--i have a many friends and even friends who know me very well and i can always count on here, but just not a good group. the hardest part is deciding what group i want to be in. i have my work friends. we enjoy happy hours, go out to lunch for each others' birthdays, throw wedding and baby showers, but sometimes i wonder if our connecting thread is simply working for the same company and we don't share many interests outside of work.
then i have my mom friends. i enjoy hanging out with them and talking all things baby. but most of them are stay at home moms and get together during the day for play groups and bible studies, and i don't feel like i would ever fully be part of the intimate group without staying at home.
james and i also have many, many couple friends, but couple friends just aren't the same as girl friends. plus, i think most of our couple friends like to hang out more with james than me and i just get invited because i'm his wife :). j/k...sorta.
anyway, this is all why i am so excited to play volleyball. it is all about the girls, doing something we love, getting a little exercising and building relationships. i don't know if i will ever have such close girlfriends again now that i am a wife, mother, sister, etc. and girl friend, but here's to hoping. love yall!
p.s. college friends accross the country--miss you!