Monday, June 18, 2012

dear paxton: year 1

dear paxton,
what an incredible year.  you bring so much joy to our family.  from the day you arrived and nursed for the first time, i've felt an incredibly close bond with you.  your snuggles, cuddles, and contentness laying on my chest make me feel appreciated and loved.
you give parker the joy of being a big brother and are teaching him how to share and be gentle.  even at parker's young age, his awareness and protectiveness of you is evident.
paxton, you are such a happy baby.  evening is your favorite time to give us the biggest smiles and laughs. 

 you have beautiful big eyes, and i am so content holding you and staring in them.  i love being your mom.
when daddy and i had you, we were worried you would be a tough baby because parker seemed so easy.  i am so thankful that you are just as easygoing.  you make me want to have 100 more babies.
 you are curious, mischevious 
sweet, healthy and strong.
love you oh so much and can't wait for many years to come watching you grow (not too fast).  muah!

1 comment:

Erin @ The Food Doctors said...

I have been checking back periodically to see if you updated. I love the new layout with all your pictures at the top.

Happy 1st Birthday Paxton!!