Monday, August 20, 2012

back to school

i've loved looking through everyone's back to school photos of their kids on facebook today.  my next neighbor (and bestie) sent her son to his first day of kindergarten and we had a play date at the park to minimize the crying! ha :)
isn't he so cute?!?

parker and paxton will be going back to kids day out at pinnacle cross church in september and i am very much looking forward it!  when james and i made the decision for me to stay at home, one of our biggest questions was if the kids would still go to "school."

reasons we are still sending the kids to school:
*to enhance learning (the curriculum is excellent)
*to aid in social development (parker loves his kdo friends)
*to make my children happy (ha! parker begged to go for a good month after school ended last spring)
*to have a break from the kids--makes us that much more excited to see them when we pick them up
*to use the time to prep for the finance class i'm teaching for JBU
*to have tennis dates with my husband!

we thought about just doing one day, but i think parker really benefits from two days (that's the max at the church). the program is very reasonably priced and i am going to sub when teachers get sick to help pay for it.  the second child is discounted, so we are sending both (this is parker's 3rd year and paxton's 2nd year).  parker thrives in such a structured environment and is proud of all of the crafts he brings home.

the kdo program is not perfect, but it's the best we've found.  the kids only go from 9am-1pm, so they don't nap at school and really make the most of the four hours we pay for (they have "chapel", PE, arts and crafts, etc).  we went to another longer kdo program last summer where the kids napped and watched movies and it felt so much more like a daycare than a structured learning environment.  i am thankful for the opportunity to have my kids participate in the cross church program (even though we don't go to church there) and can't wait to hear stories on car rides home to learn all about parker's fun filled days!!

1 comment:

Shalini said...

Another very convincing blog!! I think I'm going to call KDO in the morning and enroll Lucas. You're right, a part-time program that's excellent and geared towards our babies is so important for both mommy and child. It's so well-rounded and beneficial in the growing up process. you have me doing excel sheets AND preschool!!! You're so good for me!!!
Waiting for the next blog...(maybe you'll have me eating a steak or something! Ha!)