Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the sneaky chef

james hasn't driven anyone famous yet for the limo company. the week before he started, the company escorted ben stiller and michael jordan around nwa, but james' luck has only been wal-mart employees...UNTIL TODAY! okay it's not really that cool, but james drove the sneaky chef's husband. of course james had no idea who the sneaky chef was so he mentioned that his wife likes cookbooks (ha. i don't know about that, but i did happen to get some out yesterday in an attempt to make more meals at home). the sneaky chef's husband then asked james for his address so he could send us an autographed copy of his wife's new book (#4) that hasn't been released yet. james was a little frustrated that this man might send him a book instead of giving him a tip, like when i got a signed copy of this book when i worked at a terrible little golf course:
not only did he get a tip, though, but i told him the sneaky chef is a ny times bestseller, was on the today show, etc. and her new book will be AWESOME! because, you know, we really could use more some vegetables in our diet. love yall.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Silvy that is awesome he got to drive her husband around. I actually have her cookbook and the other one called Deceptively delicious by Jessica Seinfield (Jerry Seinfields wife) Both are good though I enjoy the sneaky chef better. I love how it explains how the fruits/veggies etc. you are sneaking into your kids diets are good for everyone and what exactly they do for your body. Obviously both books are a bit premature for Parker right now but if you decide to make baby food you can always make some extra for later on when he is eating nonmushed food and sneak the stuff into his diet, you can even sneak it into your own diets because it is really hard to taste the hidden stuff.